Southern Wednesday

Getting ready for my next appearance on The Margaret Banks show. This week is about turning your passion into profits, which is actually perfect for bloggers!

In the meantime, trying to get time to be still a bit and enjoy the world around us. Like a red sunset. You know the saying:

Red sky at night, sailors delight.

Which signals that tomorrow, the weather will be nice. LOVE that!

Red sunset
Red sunset

Colors starting to burst out.


I love all of the colors of the beginning of Spring, when the earth wakes up from a drab and stark winter to soften into beautiful greens and the bright colors of Spring!

Hope you are having a wonderful week!

Today’s Lagniappe:  Pork with Orange
Something beautiful for a beautiful day.

1 1/2 Pound Lean Pork Strips
1 Teaspoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/2 Cup Fresh Orange Juice
1/2 Cup Fresh Pineapple Juice
2 Minced Garlic Cloves
2 Teaspoons Cornstarch
1 Teaspoon Grated Orange Peel
1 1/2 Teaspoons Dried Basil Leaves
1 Pinch Of Salt And Pepper
2  Med Size Sliced Oranges
3/4 Cup Sliced Green Onion

In a large cooking pan, heat the olive oil on medium to high heat. Add the pork and cook for 4 to 5 minutes until cooked. In a mixing bowl add in the pineapple
and orange juice, minced garlic, cornstarch, and basil, stirring until it is all very well blended. Add the content of the bowl to the pork, bring to a boil then let it cool for 3 to 4 minutes while stirring. Now salt and pepper the meat, and place it on a bed of rice. Pour the orange basil sauce over pork and rice and let cool.

A little outdoor pic for Outdoor Wednesday with A Southern Daydreamer and Rednesday! with It’s a Very Cherry.





13 responses to “Southern Wednesday”

  1. Chi Wenger Avatar

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  2. SueLovesCherries Avatar

    Thank you for the lovely photos!

  3. Myrna Avatar

    Wonderful sunset pic ! I am ready for Spring, too!

  4. Susan Freeman Avatar

    What a beautiful sunset! I am going to try your recipe tonight! Sounds yummy!

    Susan and Bentley

  5. Carol @ Old Glory Cottage Avatar

    That sunset is gorgeous, and so is the picture of Spring in bloom! That recipe sounds really good, especially since it calls for lots of garlic and basil. Yum!
    Happy REDnesday!

  6. LaVoice Avatar

    Enjoyed all your great photos for today, but sunsets are hard to beat. That sounds like a dish I would really like to sample.

  7. Beth Jordan Avatar

    Lovely photo of the red sunset!

  8. debbie Avatar

    That is a gorgeous capture of the sunset….Have a great day!

  9. Floortje Avatar

    What a beautiful picture you shared with us of a red sunset. The recipe looks yummie! Red greetings, Floortje

  10. Sandi Avatar

    Very old saying that one…my dad, brother and hubby were all sailors!! LOL!! Must try that recipe, sounds like a nice change from pork and apples.
    Hope you have a happy REDnesday!
    Sandi @ Bearly Sane

  11. Rita aka Cashjocky Avatar

    I had never heard that expression until I married a sailor.

    Nice sunset.

  12. Lenore Avatar

    Fabulous red sunset!!!

  13. Janelle Avatar

    Lovely pictures!

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