Southern Mother’s Day

This Sunday, is Mother’s Day! What a wonderful idea to honor our mothers! You may remember that one of the pictures from one of my posts was chosen to represent a Mother’s Day Luncheon for an ad for the National Junior Auxiliaries  Cookbook.


This one!
This one!

So, here is the entire tablescape presentation that includes this picture from June 3rd, 2009.

Blue Fitzgerald china by Spode
Blue Fitzhugh china by Spode
Simple and pretty
Simple and pretty
The colors go well with my planter in the background.
The colors go well with my planter in the background.
White petunias in the tureen.
White petunias in the tureen.
Of course, my birds are always invited.
Of course, my birds are always invited.
Nice crystal glasses.
Nice crystal glasses.
And pretty coffee cups.
And pretty coffee cups.
Cream or sugar?
Cream or sugar?
Very nice.
Very nice.

Checkout Between Naps on the Porch to see a lot of great tablescapes by a lot of lovely and talented people.


Of course this made me think of my Mama-isms post:

A Southern Mother is something very special. They have the job of raising a good Southern girl. My Mother had several pieces of advise, or sayings, if you will, that are good for anyone. I call them Mama-isms.

  • You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar.
  • If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.
  • Sit up straight.
  • Put on your red badge of courage (meaning lipstick).
  • Set the table (something done every night with placemat, knife, fork, spoon, plate and glass – each in it’s proper place.)
  • Walk like a lady.
  • Never wake a sleeping child.
  • How’s your attitude? (Getting a good parking place anywhere, depends on your attitude!).
  • Pretty is, is pretty does.
  • All you can do is all you can do.
  • Consider the source and go on. (or as her mother – my grandmother put it: Pass and re-pass).
  • Smile and make people wonder what you’ve been up to (when you were frowning).
  • If your lip gets any lower you’ll step on it (when you were pouting)
  • If you don’t watch out your face will freeze that way (when your face was anything but pleasant).
  • If you don’t stop crying, I’ll give you something to cry about!

There were many more. What did your Mama tell you?

Today’s Lagniappe: Roses in the Snow Cake
Something my mother remembers her mother making that is wonderful and delicious!


1 1/2 cups sugar
4 egg whites
1/2 cup Crisco
3 tsp. Baking Powder
2 1/4 cup flour
vanilla – 2 tsp.
1 cup milk
Toasted coconut

Beat egg whites in a bowl till stiff then set aside. Cream
together sugar and Crisco and salt. Then add milk and vanilla.
Gradually add flour and baking powder. Gently fold in egg whites.
Turn into favorite cake pan greased and floured. Bake at 350
degrees till toothpick comes out clean. Remove from oven and let
cool. Put your favorite white icing on. Then sprinkle with toasted
coconut.(Can toast coconut on cookie sheet after cake is done while
oven is still hot). Places roses on top of the cake and you are done!

Happy Mother’s Day to my Mama and to all of you!





21 responses to “Southern Mother’s Day”

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  3. Shirley Corwin Avatar

    My mom said every one of those except the one about the parking space. (She never drove!!!) She also said “A stitch in time saves nine.” and there was always the “Wait till your father gets home!!”

  4. R Jackson Avatar
    R Jackson

    Blue and white tables are my favorite. Yours is lovely. My grandmother had two mantras: (1) It’s better to walk alone than be poorly accompanied; and (2) There’s always another street car! Thanks for reminding me of my grandma on a Saturday morning — your table and post brought a smile to my face.

  5. Miss Merry Avatar

    How simple and elegant – and your garden setting is just lovely. No wonder your photo was chosen – we would all love to be a guest at your table!

  6. Cuisine Kathleen Avatar

    Very pretty! Love blue and white..
    Love the sayings, so many of them my mom used, and we are NYers!
    Another of my mom’s
    Love is blind, but marriage is an eye opener!! LOL

  7. Dreamgoddess Avatar

    So many of your sayings reminded me of my mother and grandmother. Your table setting looks so serene and peaceful. I love the blue and white together.

  8. Fifi Flowers Avatar

    LOVELY table… yummy recipe!

  9. Susan Avatar

    This is lovely! I was the editor of a J.A. cookbook and they are among the best out there. I love your list of sayings! It’s odd how those stick with us—repetition must work!

  10. CHIE Avatar

    So many beautiful words your great mother leave & re-pass to you Southern Girl?
    I really adore every point §;-) she sounds my too. A lil strict way but it does help raising a very nice an respectful kids, aren’t we?

    How I wish I could hang on where your table is. So simple but so pretty & elegant. Love your collections too.

    Happy TT day. Enjoy your w/end ahead.

  11. Charo Avatar

    So pretty tablescape, love your dishes.


  12. Gypsy Purple-Chamara Avatar

    Love the blue and white–lovely!!

  13. sarah Avatar

    Lovely blue and white tablescape. At first glance I thought the birds were real. 🙂 Great job!

  14. Flowershopgurl Avatar

    Hello, What a lovely honor to have your tablescape published! I’m not surprised your beautiful blue and white table is perfect. Blue and white happens to be one of my favorites. I love the petunias in your tureen. I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day.

  15. Beth Avatar

    Love your china!!

  16. The Tablescaper Avatar

    I can certainly see why they chose your tablescape. It’s lovely! I’m particularly fond of the tureen.

    – The Tablescaper

  17. Yvonne Avatar

    I am so happy to stop by! Congrats on your lovely tablescape to be chosen for the Auxillary Ad. I love blue tables. They look so crisp and clean and serene. Your certainly does.

    And the little saying are precious! I love the one about red badge of courage. I am never without lipstick!
    Happy Mother’s Day,

  18. Mimi Avatar

    Love the blue and white…also the presence of the birds!

  19. Joni Avatar

    How so very fun that you tablescape was published! I can see why it was. The blue and white is so refreshing and I love the flowers in the beautiful tureen. Also loved the “Southern Mama” sayings for Mother’s Day. I wonder if my kids (and I HOPE) they are learning aphorisms like that from me! Happy Mother’s Day! Joni

  20. kit Avatar

    lovely setting and the recipe looks just luscious!!



  21. Allison Avatar

    Love the blue and white. Very pretty. My post has a table of blue and white dishes also. Dropping by from Tablescape Thursday at BNOTP (#1).


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