Southern Coffee Cup

You may remember, some time ago, I posted about my pretty pink coffee cup. You know the one my husband fills with coffee every morning and brings it to me in bed (Yes, I’m a lucky girl).

My favorite cup.

Well, you can see how the pretty pink flowers have really faded on this cup. The china is pretty thin and, now, it has a very small crack that has sprung a leak!

Oh, the sadness 😉 So, now I am on a quest to find the new perfect coffee cup. The store where we purchased the one pictured above has closed so that is not an option. I loved how this cup was footed and had the pretty handle. I also like cups that have a pretty little picture inside the rim as well.

What are your requirements for the perfect coffee cup (or am I the only crazy person who thinks like this)?

Anyway, I’ll be on the lookout. If you are looking for something pink, don’t miss:

Pink Saturday
Pink Saturday with Beverly at How Sweet the Sound






3 responses to “Southern Coffee Cup”

  1. Esther Avatar

    Oh, my gosh..I’m visiting too late again, but I’m here..that’s what counts doesn’t it? So, Happy Belated Pink Saturday to you and I hope you’ll visit my PS-post and enter my give-away! Love, Esther XX

  2. Maggie Avatar

    That is so pretty but so sad it need replacing… I love tea cups and saucers, myself. And as for my coffee cup, it’s huge and sturdy and FULL OF COFFEE!

    Happy belated Pink Saturday from
    Maggie Mae!
    “Do these shoes match this purse?”

  3. Kelvin Avatar

    Wow very pretty! Is that an antique? It seems like something my wife would love. Please visit my website at for exclusive detailed reviews of different indivudal coffee maker products. I hope that you find one that meets your expectations!

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