Southern Saturday

I love Saturday’s! Even though I often work on Saturday’s it is just more relaxed and laid back. I like to get up early and have coffee on the back porch and read a good book. Here are some of the sites from my perch on the porch.

Crepe Myrtles

Pink Cone Flowers


I also have a lovely view of the bird feeder with lots of birds and an occasional squirrel. My dog loves to chase the squirrels off. It is just a simple pleasure of a Summer Saturday morning!

And, it is also:

Pink Saturday
Pink Saturday with Beverly at How Sweet the Sound

Today’s Lagniappe: Cinnamon Basil Cookies
I know I posted a similar recipe yesterday, but I think I like this one better. It is from my 1997 Southern Living Cookbook.

  • 5  fresh cinnamon basil leaves*
  • 1/4  cup  sugar
  • 1  cup  butter or margarine
  • 2  cups  all-purpose flour
  • 1/4  teaspoon  salt
  • 1/2  teaspoon  ground cinnamon
  • 1  cup  chopped pecans
  • 1 1/2  teaspoons  vanilla extract

Process basil and sugar in a blender or food processor until basil is minced.

Melt butter in a large saucepan; add basil mixture, flour, salt, and cinnamon. Stir in chopped pecans and vanilla; remove from heat.

Drop dough by 1/4 cupfuls onto ungreased baking sheets; flatten to 1/4-inch thickness with bottom of a large glass.

Bake cookies at 300° for 40 minutes or until golden. Remove to wire racks to cool.

*Regular basil may be substituted; increase ground cinnamon to 1 teaspoon.






3 responses to “Southern Saturday”

  1. BrianDer Avatar

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  2. Rosemary Avatar

    Lovely flowers and I love the recipe. Those Southern Living magazines are such treasures! My aunt started a subscription for me many years ago and she has renewed it for me every year—can’t imagine a summer…or a Christmas… or a Thanksgiving.. or, well you get the picture, with out Southern Living 🙂
    Happy pink day

  3. April R Avatar

    Love th flowers. It looks so serene and peaceful! That is an intreating recipe. I’ve never thought of that combination before. My family is on a basil kick right now, so we might have to try this one! Thanks for sharing!!

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