I’ve already been out to the Farmer’s Market this morning. Lovely tomatoes and Arkansas peaches – YUM! When we go home, I did a quick cleanup of the driveway before the heat get too unbearable. It is going to be over 100 degrees here AGAIN today! I really love Summer, but this is getting a bit old.
I love the Farmer’s Market – maybe there is just something about shopping outside! Of course, there is also the great benefit of getting local produce and actually meeting the people who grew it. There is the man who is telling me about the corn that he just picked last night. Then there is the lady who picks many of her tomatoes green for the market – “Cause, you know, you can’t just get those anywhere.”
The Amish family had fresh flowers today. I love that. Especially, since I didn’t plant my big garden with the zinnias this year. I have to be content with zinnias from the Farmer’s Market or with looking at pictures of my zinnias from last year.
Do you have a great Farmer’s Market near you? What is your favorite thing about your Farmer’s Market?
Today’s Lagniappe: Ideas for Local Tomatoes
I found this at Sunset.com. There are also a lot of great ideas for other local produce there. Check it out!
Quick idea No. 1: Mix chopped tomatoes and basil with olive oil, salt and pepper, and a squeeze of lemon. Spoon onto toasted baguette slices.
Quick idea No. 2: Cut green grape or cherry tomatoes in half and top with a half-teaspoon of fresh goat cheese. Add salt and pepper to taste.

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