Southern Thunder Storm

Ruby Tuesday visitors – made some revisions that didn’t get updated properly last night. Sorry, I didn’t have the link here last night. It has been corrected this morning (Tuesday).


I’ve been out on the porch listening to another storm roll in. We had one earlier this afternoon and all last weekend and last week. One of the storms last week did quite a bit of damage farther south of here. Not a lot of damage other than some limbs down around here.

My garden is loving the storms. All that nitrogen from the lightening is making things grow like, well, weeds! When it dries out a bit in the morning, I’ll get some pics of the garden to post.


The robin babies have been back! You can see how young they are because the red breast is not really real red yet. They sit on the fence and the mother (or maybe father) bird gets some seed from the feeder and goes to the fence to feed them. I’ll try to get some pics of that to post later this week. Those robin babies (or teenagers now maybe) are still so cute. They are very noisy about wanting food still. I’m so glad that they have come back around. We’ve only seen the mom (or dad) and two of the babies. Hopefully the third is off on its own and doing well.

This little red headed guy and his bride have been looking at the old robin’s nest but haven’t decided to move in yet.


Hope all of you are safe from storms and having a great week!

Today’s Lagniappe:  Caprese Salad (also known as tomato, mozzarella and basil salad)
Can you tell I love summer tomatoes?

4  tomatoes, each cut into 6 slices (about 1 1/2 pounds)

  • 4  tomatoes, each cut into 6 slices (about 1 1/2 pounds)
  • 1/2  pound  fresh mozzarella cheese, cut into 12 slices
  • 1/4  teaspoon  kosher salt
  • 1/4  teaspoon  freshly ground black pepper
  • 1  tablespoon  extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2  cup  fresh basil leaves

Arrange 4 tomato slices and 2 mozzarella slices on each of 6 salad plates. Sprinkle evenly with salt and pepper; drizzle with oil. Top evenly with basil. Six servings.

Join Tam at the Gypsy's Corner for Three or More Tuesday!
Join Tam at the Gypsy's Corner for Three or More Tuesday!
Join Mary at Work of the Poet for Ruby Tuesday!
Join Mary at Work of the Poet for Ruby Tuesday!






19 responses to “Southern Thunder Storm”

  1. Joann Yabsley Avatar

    Superb and well-thought-out content! If you need some information about Airport Transfer, then have a look at 85N

  2. Kathleen Avatar

    Hi Christie..
    Lots of rain here too, afraid the plants will all rot!
    Great pics!

  3. Mary Ellen Avatar

    Love seeing your garden! We started digging for a garden area and it was so hard decided we need to do raised beds which haven’t gotten done yet! Now we just have a pile of dirt in one section of the yard!(was oh so careful not to show that in my iris pic! Have to give the illusion of perfection you know!!!!)

  4. Tam Avatar

    I love watching our robin families too. They are fun even though they are after my strawberries LOL.
    Happy Three Or More Tuesday and thank you for sharing your recipe.
    Have a wonderful evening,

  5. skoots1mom Avatar

    such clouds…we see those each afternoon in Atlanta, too.
    these are those stay-close-to-the-basement days and we’re barely into June…
    enjoyed your post!

  6. Kim Avatar

    We don’t get many thunderstorms here in southern California. But I love it when we do. I loved seeing the birdies.

  7. Cass @ That Old House Avatar

    Oh…the birds — so cute! Noisy, but cute, just like human teenagers.

    Great dramatic weather pictures — we are having some wicked T-storms, here, too.

    And a tomato salad? As soon as the crops come in …

  8. Ann Messick Avatar

    LOVED the lemon & tyme cookies!

  9. mary Avatar

    Oh, the “teenagers” are so cute! We have had lots of rain in NJ as well, and a pretty bad storm last week…

  10. Dianne Avatar

    I love how you framed those storm clouds with all the lush green, beautiful shot

    and the birds are adorable

  11. Linnea Avatar

    Great pictures of the robins. We don’t get summer rain usually. But did have some cool weather last week. Starting to warm up again and very windy at times. Happy Three or More Tuesday!

  12. bj Avatar

    The storming pictures are awesome.
    We have quite a bit of rain out here in West Texas during this month. All the lawns and flowers look so pretty…then…the drought sets in and we won’t see a drop until Sept.
    Enjoyed your photos…

  13. Jane Avatar


    I can’t believe all the rain and storms everyone is having. We had rain all last week, Sunday and yesterday were nice and now we are to have rain all this week. How strange. And I learned something new today from you about the lighning providing nitrogen to plants. Bring it on!!

    You really are keeping an eye on your robin family. They are so adorable. I never knew they hung out so much near the nest for so long~but then again I never observed them like you have. We have about 3 sparrow nests in the rafters of our garage at the lake. We have no idea how they are getting in and out when we are gone all week and everything is closed up. And they are so brave. While cleaning out the garage Saturday, they just kept flying in and out like nobody’s business!!

    Caprese salad is one of my favorites. I love it for party appetizers as well as a little snack in the afternoon. I planted some tomato and basil plants just to make this delicious recipe. Have you ever tried it with fresh mozzarella or on slices of italian bread? Oh yum!! 🙂

    Have a wonderful week and thanks for sharing all of this!


  14. candy Avatar

    Wish we could have some rain here. Doesn’t take long for the green grasses to turn brown.

    Sounds like a great salad.

    Happy Tues,

  15. Rainey Avatar

    Its almost time for the “Monsoons” here in Arizona… July we just get hammered with thunder and lightning and downpours! I love to sit on my covered porch and watch them roll in… Your photos are beautiful.
    Hope your week is off to a wonderful start!
    ~Really Rainey~

  16. srp Avatar

    We had bluebirds and baby downy woodpeckers, but I guess the trees in our yard are not yet large enough to support the robin’s nest. They are much better nest builders than the bluebird and much neater in keeping the nest clean too.

  17. Ellie Avatar

    We have those storms every afternoon in NC now 🙂 Love the green!

  18. ellen b Avatar

    Hello Christi!
    Love your stormy photos! The birds shots are great. We have had some clouds here in southern California and a little (very little) rain today. Looking forward to seeing your garden…

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