Tag: Southern Porch
Southern Thunder Storm
The robin babies have been back! You can see how young they are because the red breast is not really real red yet. They sit on the fence and the mother (or many father) bird gets some seed from the feeders and goes to the fence to feed them.
Southern Porch Accessory
I wanted to share with you a picture of a little garden bench that was given to me. It was unassembled and plain wood when I got it. I painted it and hung it on the wall of my porch. I think this little bench was originally intended to be used to set plants on…
Southern Breakfast on the Porch
One of my favorite community cookbooks is Louisiana Entertains – A Complete Menu Cookbook from the Rapides Symphony Guild in Alexandria, Louisiana – copyright 1978. The first 54 pages of this cookbook are devoted to breakfast and brunch. These menus offer a Southern breakfast at its best! I’ve set the table on the porch for…
Southern Fish Fry/Robin’s Nest
It is Outdoor Wednesday and memories of fish fries! Click the pic above for more of Outdoor Wednesday! I have to interrupt my Southern food series to show you what this pretty little robin has been doing on my porch. After you see the pics, read about my Grandpa’s fish fries – a Southern tradition!…
Southern Porch Party
Today, I’m joining Barb at Grits and Glamour for her porch and patio party. You may be wondering what happened to the series on Southern food. Well, it’s still here. You see, porches and Southern food go together like greens and ham hocks. Back in the day, they didn’t have air conditioners. So, Southerners would…
Southern Frugal Friday on the Porch
To wrap up a week on the porch, here are some ideas of things to look for at garage sales and flea market for your porch. I’m sure many of you have fabulous ideas you could add for inspiration. Here is what I came up with: Knock out the seat, add a favorite plant and…
Southern Tablescape Thursday on the Porch
We have been enjoying the porch all week. If you’ve missed it, check this weeks posts on A Southern Life. Today, we’ll have lunch on the porch. Yes, I braved the wind. Sorry, it wrinkled the tablecloth a little, but, those things are okay when you are enjoying the porch. Y’all check out how my…
Mama’s Southern Porch
Here is another great “guest” post from Mama. Today, she tells us about her memories of the porch. After reading all the comments about porches it brought back memories of my childhood. We had a big cement front porch, a porch swing and two views of the two streets since we lived on a corner.…
More Southern Porch
Here is a picture of the dogwood branches that I had originally planned to use for my Easter brunch tablescape. The table on the porch is big enough for them but the wind was not cooperating. I caught the branches and turned the whole thing over and, of course, spilled water on my tablecloth. I…
A Southern Porch
A porch is very important to Southerners. Even if we don’t have a porch ourselves, we tend to gravitate to someone who does or remember a favorite porch from our childhood. I’ve talked before about sitting on my grandmother’s porch helping her snap beans. That is a favorite memory.