Month: August 2009

  • Southern Sunday Favorite

    Join Chari at Happy to Design for Sunday favorites and Charlotte and Ginger at Blogger Spirit for Spiritual Sunday and enjoy your Sunday! This post is from July 7, 2009: I feel so blessed to live in such a beautiful place. Here a few random pictures that I have taken. Pictures can never do justice…

  • Southern Bacon

    Who doesn’t love bacon? I know I do. It is a good thing. My husband is a bacon expert. He knows how to pick it out and he knows how to fry it. His bacon expertise may only be surpassed by his french fry expertise! So, what to do with bacon? Here are a couple…

  • Southern Visit to the White House

    My, it has been a busy and fast week. I was going through a drawer the other day and came across pictures from my lovely time attending tea at the White House a few years ago. I wish I had gotten more of the beautiful tables. All of the tables were decorated with roses. Many…

  • Southern Stroll in the Yard

    I can’t believe how fast the summer has gone. Here we are, almost to the middle of August! Susan, over at A Southern Daydreamer is once again hosting Outdoor Wednesday. Things have certainly changed in the yard. Here is what is going on. So much basil and thyme. I think it is time to make…

  • Southern Essentials

    It’s back to school time! This post if for all the college students, parents of college students, siblings of college students or anyone who just knows a college student (or someone just starting out on their own). You are going to be very busy, but, everyone needs to know something easy to cook. Something that…

  • Southern Plunge

    My metamophosis today isn’t something you see. However, there is definitely something different! I moved servers this weekend. It is something I have planned on doing and I finally took the plunge. The new server is faster and better. So, I’m very happy about that. There are more things coming soon to A Southern Life…

  • Southern Sunday Favorite

    Join Chari at Happy to Design for Sunday favorites and Charlotte and Ginger at Blogger Spirit for Spiritual Sunday and enjoy your Sunday! This post is from July 19th of this year. I was reflecting on the past ice storm and the difference of that scene with the lush beauty of the summer and the…

  • Southern Okra Salad

    Okay, you asked for it, you’ve got it. Okra salad. My grandmother used to make okra salad. She would gather vegetables from her garden and then make this delicious treat. Here are some of the goodies from my garden. Okra, heirloom tomatoes (both red and yellow) and a cucumber. What is not pictured is the…

  • Southern Magnolia

    Today’s edition of Tablescape Thursday (hosted by Susan at Between Naps on the Porch) starts with a poem: SOUTHERN LIFE If you want a glimpse of Southern life, Come close and walk with me I’ll tell you all the simple things That you are sure to see You’ll see mockingbirds and bumblebees Magnolia blossoms and…

  • Southern Visit to Colorado

    My older sister, Tammy,  lives in Colorado. Her husband, Rich, along with his partner own RHA Landscape in Boulder. They do beautiful work and specialize in design/build projects. Today, for Outdoor Wednesday with Susan at A Southern Daydreamer, I thought I would share a few pics of his projects: Rich and his partner Mike are…

  • Southern Pork Kabobs

    Last week, you may recall the chicken kabobs that I showed you on Friday. We had those in Vicksburg with my husbands high school classmate Susan and her husband Richard. They were so good. I decided to try the same sort of thing with pork. First I marinated cut up a tenderloin into chunks. I…

  • Southern Okra

    You know, you’ve got to watch okra. If it gets too big, it is too tough to eat. I had a couple of pods get away from me and they got a little too big. So, what to do with these over-sized pods? One thing to do, is to save them for seeds. All ready…

  • Southern Sunday Favorite

    Another Sunday Favorite hosted by Chari at Happy to Design! This is a favorite because it reminds me to always trust God! For that reason, it is also and entry for Spiritual Sundays! Sometimes we live in an anxious world. We live in a world with sickness, war, unemployment, bills, well, you get the picture.…