Southern Spring Countdown

The daffodils are starting to pop out and soon the most wonderful metamorphosis of all will be taking place. Soon it will be SPRING!

I have even added a Spring countdown clock to the sidebar on the left. This seems to have been an unusually cold winter and, although I have Spring Fever every year, I think this year may be the worst case EVER!

But . . . soon, the world will be alive with color! Yellow daffodils and forsythia, pink quince, creamy dogwoods and bright pink redbuds!


Of course, one of the first signs, though is the sweet daffodil, nodding it’s yellow head in the early Spring wind.

I love all of the seasons but Spring is probably my favorite because the days get longer and the world comes alive after the dark of Winter. Even as a kid, I remember loving the colors of Spring and looking forward to being out of school for the Summer.


There was a redbud tree outside my window in the house I grew up in. I will always think of redbuds as good “climbing trees.” I would climb up in the tree and look out at the sky and everything in the world was good. I love that memory of Spring. Maybe that is one of the reasons I love it so much.

And, by the way, it is a metamorphosis we can all enjoy 🙂

Metamorphosis Monday with Between Naps on the Porch
Metamorphosis Monday with Between Naps on the Porch

Today’s Lagniappe:  Garlic Shrimp
Make this with fresh Gulf shrimp for a fabulous flavor!

1/3 cup of butter
1 ½ to 2 pounds large shrimp, peeled and deveined
4 to 6 medium cloves garlic, crushed and minced
1/3 cup chopped fresh parsley
2 ½ tablespoons of lemon juice

In a large skillet, heat butter over medium heat until butter stops foaming, about 30 to 45 seconds.

Add the shrimp and garlic and sauté over medium heat, turning frequently until the shrimp just turn pink, about 4 to 5 minutes.

Add the parsley, lemon juice, and salt then stir well.

Remove the pan from the heat and serve.





10 responses to “Southern Spring Countdown”

  1. sarah Avatar

    I’m definitely looking for spring but instead we had SNOW today here in central TX. This has been the craziest winter!

  2. The Tablescaper Avatar

    My husband and I have a funny saying – the daffodils are daffying! Spring is on the way!

    – The Tablescaper

  3. Gloria Avatar

    Canit wait for spring…thanks hugs and smiles Gl?ria

  4. Shelia Avatar

    Can’t wait for Spring and you’re making it even harder seeing your pretty photos! 🙂
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia 🙂

  5. Kat Avatar

    I love Spring, it’s my favorite time of year, so I can’t wait! I love the redbud trees, but have never climbed one!

    Kat 🙂

  6. Julia @ Hooked on Houses Avatar

    I can’t wait to see a scene like these from my window. I’m counting the days until Spring! 🙂

  7. Tammy@InStitches Avatar

    26 Days ! That will be here before we know it. I love spring too.

  8. Allison Avatar

    Ditto Gollum. I can’t wait to see Spring!

    Be sure to come see my home on AtticMag this week.

  9. Merrie Avatar

    I’m green with envy…what a stark contrast to our front yard this week!

  10. Gollum Avatar

    I’ll be glad for this metamorphosis!

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