Carnival Season in New Orleans is a wonderful time. Then entire season assaults your senses with colors and sound. One of the most sensational events, for me, is the Nyx Myx Masquarade Ball. It is invitation only and formal tux and floor length gowns and masks are required.
I have lots and lots of pictures to share, but in this post, I’m going to concentrate on the tables and atmosphere of the room.
The colors, the lights (notice the stars on the ceiling and the colored uplights on the walls) everything sparkled and glittered, including the people.
This ball was held at the Hilton Riverside in their grand ballroom and, grand it was.
Here is a sparkling picture gallery of this event.
Click to enlarge and for more info
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Hope you enjoyed the ball – more pics of the ball to come so you can see some of the beautiful gowns and masks!
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