I wrote some time ago (before I moved to New Orleans) about my bird of paradise plant. When I got the plant, it was with the knowledge that it may not bloom for up to 7 years. Sooo, I have nurtured this plant and moved with this plant (and broke the pot it was planted in during the move), and have patiently waited. I actually can’t even tell you how many years it has been, I lost count. It has probably been close to the full 7 years and now, finally, it bloomed!
These plants are tropical, so I kept it in a pot, but it apparently likes the semi-tropical climate of South Louisiana. Once the plant blooms, it will continue to bloom, with most blooms in late winter to early spring, (according to what I have read).
Many people, here in New Orleans, have the bird of paradise plant growing in their yards. Imagine my envy when I see blooms like this . . .
or these . . .
. . . when my plant had not even bloomed at all. Well, now it has, and I am so excited. It is such a beautiful bloom. It does actually look like a beautiful, tropical bird. God is so creative in His creation!
It was worth the wait. I can’t wait for more beautiful blooms. Do you have a plant that you have nurtured along for years? I had a lemon tree that I nurtured for a long time that never bore fruit and finally died. I guess it doesn’t work out for all of them, huh?
Hope you are having a fabulous day!
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