Category: Southern Gardening
Bird of Paradise – It Finally Bloomed!
I wrote some time ago (before I moved to New Orleans) about my bird of paradise plant. When I got the plant, it was with the knowledge that it may not bloom for up to 7 years. Sooo, I have nurtured this plant and moved with this plant (and broke the pot it was planted…
Rosemary for Remembrance
Shakespeare said, “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance; pray, love, remember.” The saying “rosemary for remembrance” is obviously taken from this quote, but interestingly enough, science shows us that rosemary and memory do have a connection. Several studies show that rosemary actually stimulates memory and may preserve some cognitive function. Who knew? I love rosemary. One…
Container Veggies
March 2 is the last spring frost date in New Orleans, and I usually try to get my first vegetables planted around then to beat the summer heat. That was my project for a recent cold weekend, with lows in the mid-30’s but no frost. Since yards in the old part of town tend to…
Winter Gardens
In late December, my husband and I took a walk around a garden district neighborhood in New Orleans. We took pictures of a lot of the Christmas decorations, but I also enjoyed seeing all of the things that were in bloom here in New Orleans. The things that bloom change from month to month and…
Cabbage…lots of it!
Every fall I plant broccoli. It does quite well in pots on my patio – container gardening is a trade off in the city for a nicely landscaped yard. In New Orleans transplants are generally available in early October, with harvest right around Thanksgiving. I was a bit surprised to find transplants at a big…
How A Southern Garden Grows
No matter how many times I put in a garden I will never cease to be amazed at the way they grow and what they give back. You may remember, a few weeks back when I posted about putting in my garden. This is how it looked in May: In just a few short weeks,…
Southern Garden
My, what a labor of love a garden is. Been working on getting my garden in this weekend. It is a bit late, but with soooooo much rain, I had to wait for a dry weekend. It turned out that this weekend was perfect. Cool temperatures with overcast skies but NO RAIN! Before I go…
Surviving the Winter!
If you have been around here awhile you may remember my past attempts at trying to keep my beautiful summer ferns alive inside through the winter. NOT a pretty site! Well, I have tried it again this year and, guess what? So far, I’m successful! If you are really successful keeping ferns through the winter,…
Southern Defense
Yes, today I am defending the oft maligned – mimosa tree! The beautiful, fragrant, puffy pink clouds in the Mimosa Tree (sometimes called a silken tree) have gotten a bad reputation for some! Not me, I love those pink puffs. Some call it a “dirty” tree. What kind of silly name is that? Yes, it…
Southern Home Farming
The weather is getting hot, hot, hot and that is a great time to skip turning on the oven and just use veggies from the garden! So many wonderful possibilities springing from a few seeds! Tonight, I want to tell you about a wonderful site set up by Triscuit. Yes, Triscuit! Those wonderfully, delicious wheat…
Southern Garden
Just a few shots from my garden in pots. First off, the marigolds. Planting marigolds in your garden improves the soil for the other plants: Love the combination of red and orange. Below, you can see the cherry tomatoes are just beginning to take on a hint of red. Then there are the herbs: Can’t…
Southern Sunday
Happy Sunday! I am remembering a past post where I just took a stroll around the yard and enjoyed God’s majesty! Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendour, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, O LORD, is the kingdom; you are…
Southern Table in the Garden
As I have been working today, I have noticed the pink flowers pouring over the fence in the back. It reminds me of when I put in my garden last year as these flowers were blooming. Alas, I am not putting in my regular garden this year. I am gardening in pots. Too much going…
Southern “Herban” Renewal
Every year, I plant herbs. Sometimes I plant them in my her planter. Sometimes in my garden. But, always, I must have herbs in the garden. This year, I have put herbs in pots. Sorry I didn’t get the before pics. I got busy moving the huge pots and then planting them! I moved my…
Southern Sunday
Soon, it will be time to put in the garden. Gardening is an act of faith. Planting a seed and watching it grow is always miraculous to me. Man first met God in a garden. “Now the Lord God had planted a garden in in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man…