Tag: Southern Sunday
Southern Grandmother
One of the great blessings in life is to have a wonderful mother. I enjoy visiting with my own mother and I also enjoy hearing her talk about her mother, my grandmother. I was fortunate enough to have my maternal grandmother on earth until I was in my early 30’s. It is wonderful to have…
Southern Father’s Day
Join Chari at Happy to Design for Sunday favorites and Charlotte and Ginger at Blogger Spirit for Spiritual Sunday and enjoy your Sunday! Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there! You have seen my favorite post for today many times. I was thinking this past week that I need to write another “Daddy-isms”…
Southern Sunday Favorite
It is another beautiful Sunday here in my neighborhood! I’m so thankful for a day of rest. Things have been so crazy busy around here, it is good to rest and re-charge. It is also time for: with Chari at Happy to Design. Hope you have a great Sunday morning. This is a favorite from…
Southern Favorite
It has really gotten HOT around here. Summer my not officially start until June 21, but in my mind it is already officially SUMMER! Below is a favorite post for Sunday Favorites from June 19th, 2009 about one of my favorite summer memories. Join Chari at Happy to Design for Sunday favorites and enjoy your…
Southern Sunday – A Memorial
Thanks for stopping by this Sunday. My favorite post for this week is appropriate for the Memorial Day weekend. It is about my father-in-law, Dr. Joe B. Wharton, Jr., who was a wonderful man who loved the Lord. This is the quote, my husband, Joe B. Wharton III is reminded of when he tells about…
Southern Sunday
Happy Sunday! I am remembering a past post where I just took a stroll around the yard and enjoyed God’s majesty! Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendour, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, O LORD, is the kingdom; you are…
Southern Sunday
What a beautiful Sunday this is! I’m itching to get out to my porch. We saw some beautiful yellow birds at the feeder this morning as well as cardinals and our ever present doves and blue jays. It is a very colorful world at the bird feeder! I’m reminded of a post from the porch…
Southern Sunday
Recently I posted pictures of the steep hills that I encounter on my daily walks. These steep hills and long walks are made much more bearable by the beautiful scenery that I see as I pass by. Our lives are like that. Sometimes, we encounter steep hills but they are made bearable by trusting in…
Southern Sunday
Everywhere I look, new life is beginning, the trees and flowers have bloomed, the birds are busy building nests for new life. New life is everywhere. Thank you Lord for all of your blessings! Thank you for the new life we can have in you through your Son, Jesus! Therefore if any man be in…
Southern Sunday
Soon, it will be time to put in the garden. Gardening is an act of faith. Planting a seed and watching it grow is always miraculous to me. Man first met God in a garden. “Now the Lord God had planted a garden in in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man…
Southern Spring
Spring has finally “officially arrived! Join Chari at Happy to Design for Sunday favorites and Charlotte and Ginger at Blogger Spirit for Spiritual Sunday and enjoy your Sunday! After a long and cold winter, it is wonderful to see Spring again. “Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap…
Southern Sunday Favorite
Join Chari at Happy to Design for Sunday favorites and Charlotte and Ginger at Blogger Spirit for Spiritual Sunday and enjoy your Sunday! It is 13 days to SPRING! Along with all the beautiful color that spring brings also comes the spring storms. That is the way it is in life as well. Sometimes we…
Southern Sunday
Join Chari at Happy to Design for Sunday favorites and Charlotte and Ginger at Blogger Spirit for Spiritual Sunday and enjoy your Sunday. This post about planting garden seeds is from last January. As I mention in this post, planting a little seed and watching it grow into a real garden is always a miracle…
Southern Memorial Day
I want to tell you about my father-in-law, Dr. Joe B. Wharton Jr. Dr. Joe B., as he was known, was a Navy doctor during World War II. He served in the South Pacific. One of our treasures is the letters that he and my mother-in-law, Iola Holt Wharton, exchanged during his service in the…