Southern Sunday

Soon, it will be time to put in the garden. Gardening is an act of faith. Planting a seed and watching it grow is always miraculous to me. Man first met God in a garden.

“Now the Lord God had planted a garden in in the east, in Eden;
and there he put the man he had formed.”
Genesis 2:8

Jesus prayed in a garden.

Entering the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus Christ said to His disciples, “Sit here while I go yonder and pray.” Taking with Him Peter, James, and John, He went deep into the garden, and He began to be sorrowful and troubled. Then, He said to them, “My soul is very sorrowful, even to death; remain here and watch with Me.” And going a little farther, he fell on His face and prayed,
“My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me;
nevertheless, not as I will but as Thou wilt.”

A garden is a very special thing! This post is from April 24, 2009:


This is the weekend I put in my garden – starting today. I’ve planted my seeds, tended the seedlings, transferred them into bigger pots and now, I’m ready for the real deal.

I will be tilling the plot, getting rid of the grass and weeds, amending the soil, making rows, then TA DA!!!, planting the vegetables and flowers. This is a pretty labor intensive way to save money, but, it is a labor of love. And, it is well worth it.

Nothing tastes better than home-grown vegetables that you have tended with your own hands. Not only do I get to have yummy veggies and lovely flowers, I get to have the pleasure of accomplishment, the gratitude for the blessing of the earth and a connection to generations and generations going back forever who have planted seeds to grow food and flowers for their homes.

Here is some gardening wisdom from Mary Anne Potter of Herban Renewal Farms of Ponca City, Oklahoma. She is an herbal gardener who wrote a lovely book called Herbal Pleasures. Her words of gardening wisdom are wise words for life as well.

Gardening Wisdom

1. Begin early. But it’s never too late to start.

2. If it doesn’t work, try something else.

3. Life is fragile. Protect it.

4. Life is enduring. Trust it.

5. Life is daily. Water it. Weed it. Prune it.

6. Life is indescribably beautiful. Enjoy it and say thank you.

7. Growth takes time. Be patient. And While you are waiting, pull a weed.

8. There’s something for everybody – different blooms for different rooms.

9. Pruning hurts. Pruning helps you grow.

10. Recycle. Reuse. Restore. Repair. Reduce. Redo.

11. Sometimes the tiniest flowers smell the sweetest.

12. To everything there is a season.

13. Dream big. But try not to let your joy turn into drudgery.

14. Grow what you love. the love will keep it growing.

15. Remember, never kiss by the garden gate. Love is blind, but the neighbors ain’t.

Isn’t that lovely? My mother gave me this lovely little book. Okay, off to the garden. I’ll take pics to show y’all next week.

Have a wonderful and blessed weekend!

Today’s Lagniappe: Garden Veggie Quiche

* 1 tablespoon olive oil
* 1 cup sliced mushrooms
* 1/2 med. zucchini, halved lengthwise and sliced
* 1/2 small onion, diced
* 1/4 cup red bell pepper, diced
* 1/3 cup shredded carrots
* 2 cloves garlic, crushed
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 5 eggs
* 1/2 cup ricotta cheese
* 1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese
* 1 9-inch pie crust

1. Heat olive oil in medium size pan.
2. Add veggies, garlic, and salt and saute until soft.
3. While veggies are cooling a little, mix together eggs, ricotta, and Parmesan until fully combined.
4. Stir veggies into egg mixture and pour into pie shell.
5. Cook at 350 for 25-30 minutes.



Join Chari at Happy to Design for Sunday favorites and Charlotte and Ginger at Blogger Spirit for Spiritual Sunday and enjoy your Sunday!





10 responses to “Southern Sunday”

  1. BrianDer Avatar

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  2. Ginger Avatar

    I commented earlier but I’m not sure if it posted. I love to garden and feel close to the Lord when doing so. I loved your post today thank-you.

  3. Ginger Avatar

    This is a great post. I love to garden and I feel that I’m passionate about it. I feel close to the Lord when I’m outside working in my garden.
    I enjoyed this post today, thank-you.
    God Bless,

  4. Chari Avatar

    Hi Christi…

    Ohhh…you are absolutely right! There is nothing better than homegrown veggies and flowers!!! We keep saying that we’re going to put in a garden and then we never do because of summer vacation time and not being around to tend to it! I would love a few tomato plants…nothing like fresh homegrown tomatoes!!! I really enjoyed the scriptures that you included at the beginning of your post, Christi!!! Also really enjoyed reading the “Garden Wisdom”…great words to live by!!!

    Thank you so much for sharing this lovely post with us for Sunday Favorites this week, Darlin’! I do apologize at being so late to get by for a visit but we had such beautiful weather yesterday that I ended up spending most of the day outside…just soaking up the sun! I guess that Spring fever got the best of me…hehe!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  5. Renee Avatar

    What a lovely post…garden time already!! Not in the upper midwest yet, but our daffodils and tulips are starting to green up and bud. Love the garden wisdom! Thanks for sharing this with us……..

  6. Charlotte Avatar

    It’s so true. Nothing is better than home grown veggies, unless it’s chocolate of course. lol Has anyone tried to grow dark chocolate?
    I love gardens, and enjoyed so much being in the Garden of Gethsemane back in 1978. I would love to go there again.
    Thanks for sharing.

  7. Susan B Avatar

    That was lovely! I enjoyed reading the Gardening was thought provoking. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Lori E Avatar

    Perfect time to read that before I go out to work in the garden. I do my best thinking out there and can really mull this one over.

  9. Whidbey Woman Avatar

    ‘Tis that season, huh? I live in a rental house and have to have a potted garden. A little early for that, yet- but, I did get out yesterday to prune, pull weeds and mow. I love being outdoors. I feel so close to God surrounded in the beauty of nature.

  10. Jeanne Avatar

    Love all you share
    Love that gardening wisdom

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