Southern Sunday

I’ve been looking back over past posts and came across one I wanted to share with you. It is from February 27, 2008. Just a little less than two months after I started A Southern Life.

I had no idea the impact blogging would have on my life or how many wonderful people I would get to come in contact with. I just thought I would share a little about my life and my thoughts about life and living and entertaining, etc. What has happened instead is that while I still share, I feel like I get so much more from everyone who visits here than I could possibly offer in return.

In this post, I share a story of a visit to Steven’s Point, Wisconsin. Every time I think of this story, I am reminded of the wonderful Bible verse from Hebrews 13:2

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.

A Southern Life is now read in all 50 states and 103 countries/territories around the world! I am honored and humbled by that. Happy Sunday to all and a wonderful week to follow!
From February 27, 2008:

Southern Friends


I was looking at my blog statistics this morning and am happy to tell you that we have readers from 42 states and 12 countries reading this blog. Y’all are wonderful. The 3rd most visitors are from New York! Thank you to all you readers everywhere.

In my previous life, as I traveled for business, I found that there are wonderful, warm people all over the United States. I remember being at a little shop in New Jersey (where I bought my husband a big coffee cup that he still uses every day) talking to the store clerk. She asked me where I was from. I guess from my accent she surmised that I wasn’t from around there. We visited a little and I told her that the people from New Jersey had been very nice. She said “You’re kidding!” She was surprised that the people from New Jersey had been nice.

Now, you know, I love the South and don’t want to live anywhere else but I love visiting all over and meeting people from everywhere. I was surprised that we don’t have any readers from Wisconsin. Since they are not here, I’m going to tell a story on them. If you know anyone from Wisconsin, you can share this story with them.

I traveled to Stevens Point, Wisconsin to do some work for the University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point. I don’t remember the month but it was very, very cold. If I recall correctly, I was staying at a Hampton Inn. Because there was so much snow and it was so cold, I decided to walk across the street to a little pub for supper. Because I traveled alone so much, I was used to eating out by myself. I was seated and had ordered a drink when two ladies approached my table. They asked if they could visit with me a moment. Intrigued, I agreed. After being seated, they told me that they were local school teachers. They had traveled in Europe the previous Summer and remembered how the Europeans would invite traveling strangers to dine with them. They had discussed it among themselves when they saw me come in alone and had decided to do the same. They invited me to join them and their friends to share a meal. I was so surprised and pleased. I joined them and we shared good food in a warm place on a cold Wisconsin evening. Now, wasn’t that nice of them. I will always think of Stevens Point, Wisconsin as a warm and hospitable town thanks to those dear ladies. Who knew, Southern hospitality in Wisconsin?

Thank you to everyone who reads this blog. Although, I don’t know many of you personally, I count you as friends.

By the way, my husband is telling me I ought to write on weekends. I’m thinking about it, maybe just on Saturdays so I’ll still have a day off.

Today’s Lagniappe: Wisconsin Beer Cheese Soup
I know it’s not Southern but telling the story made me think of it 🙂

4 Tablespoons butter
1/3 cup chopped green onion, green tops and white base.
1/4 cup finely chopped carrot
1/4 cup finely chopped cabbage
1/4 cup flour
2 1/2 cups chicken broth
1/2 cup good Wisconsin beer
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
2 cups half and half (“half and half” is half heavy cream and half milk), heated
2 cups shredded aged Wisconsin Cheddar cheese (use aged cheese for better flavor)
(if you wish, one pound cooked sausage in bite-sized chunks)

  • Melt butter in large, heavy pan
  • Add onion, carrot and cabbage
  • Cook and stir over medium-high heat until onions and vegetables become translucent
  • Stir in flour, cook 1 minute, stirring constantly
  • Add broth, beer and mustard. Stir well until mixture reaches a boil.
  • Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer 30 minutes.
  • Add hot half and half and cheese, and if you wish, cooked smoked sausage.
  • Stir and warm gently until heated through and cheese is melted.
  • 8 servings.



Join Chari at Happy to Design for Sunday favorites and Charlotte and Ginger at Blogger Spirit for Spiritual Sunday and enjoy your Sunday!





18 responses to “Southern Sunday”

  1. Dayle Avatar

    I find friendly people reside in all parts of this great country. Some places, more than others, but they’re there, just the same.

  2. Chari Avatar

    Hi Christi…

    What a beautiful story to share with us for Sunday Favorites, my friend! I just think that was such a kind gesture…those sweet ladies asking you to dine with them! It just warms my heart!!! I have never been to Wisconsin but would love to go! One of my dearest blogging friends, Cindy from Applestone Cottage, is from Wisconsin…so I think that all the folk there must be warm, kind, and friendly!!! Again…such a sweet story…I’m so glad that you shared it with us for Sunday Favorites!!!

    I totally agree with you, Christi…blogging and the kind people that I’ve met here…really has changed my life! Who would have known? I have always had such a love for people…all kinds of people and because of this, have really enjoyed traveling…especially to other parts of the states and foreign countries as well! I am always intriqued by all the different traditions and customs of other places…embracing them…not fearing or shying away from them! The differences is what make the “world go round”! Hehe! I have recently added a site counter to my blog which shows the country of my blog visitors…it’s so interesting! Well sweet lady…thank you again!

    Have a wonderful week!!!
    Chari @Happy To Design

  3. jo.attalife Avatar

    And your stories remind of that one about a traveler asking a farmer what kind of people he will find in the next town, and the farmer telling him, “What were the people like where you’ve come from?”
    “They were the best people in the world. Hard working, honest, and friendly. I’m sorry to be leaving them.”
    “Fear not,” said the farmer. “You’ll find the same sort in the next town.”
    It seems to me, you found in others what you have within yourself — kindness and hospitality.
    Happy Spiritual Sunday!

  4. Ginger Avatar

    What a beautiful story. It is so nice to hear how there are sweet people around.
    God Bless,

  5. Cathy Avatar

    Thanks for sharing those sweet thoughts and the recipe. Blessings ~

  6. Denise Avatar

    Such a nice post.

  7. Joan Avatar

    What a lovely post! This is my first visit to your blog, coming over from Spiritual Sundays.

    I have several friends who moved here in Texas from Wisconsin, although I’ve never visited there. What a lovely evening you must have had.


  8. Charlotte Avatar

    What a wonderful story. Reminds me of our experiences in Boston last October. It was the first time we had visited the east coast and were surprised how friendly the people were. I had not thought about them that way before. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us.

  9. Clif Avatar

    Very interesting. Thank you for sharing.

  10. Keepie DaNiece Avatar

    I live in Indiana now, but I am a Wisconsin baby and still a Wisconsinite at heart!

    I graduated from High School in Wisconsin Rapids, about 30 minutes from Stevens Point. They were are arch athletic rivals. Our two football teams battled each other every fall for proud possession of “The Old River Jug” which was a corked jug with water from the WI river and dirt from the goal posts taken from both towns and sealed for posterity in that jug.

    I know I’m biased – – – but when we return to Wisconsin each summer for our annual two week vacation, I am always reminded of the friendliness of the folks who live there.

    I LOVE this story of the ladies inviting you to join them for their meal. Kind of a “random act of kindness” before that term was even coined.

  11. Lynn Guinn Avatar

    Thank you for reminding me that I am always an ambassador for my home town!
    Also Thank you for the cheese soup recipe. I sounds delicious@ I am making it tomorrow!

  12. Georgia Avatar

    This is my first time here and I felt so welcome by your post alone, so thank you.

    I loved reading your stories. I’m from the south… born and bred, although I have lived in other various states with my ex-husband who was in the Navy. I’ve met some wonderful people over the years from all over, and have still maintained a close friendship with some of them today.

    Thank you for sharing your post with all of us. I’d like to follow you if I may.

    May God bless you today and every day!!


  13. Susan - Penless Writer Avatar

    Such a good reminder how our actions, good or bad, can leave a lasting impression on someone not only of us, prersonally, but of the city, town, establishment, etc.

  14. Deb Avatar

    Hello! I am a cheesehead and yes we Wisconsinites are warm and loving people. We have to be. We are freezing up here!

  15. Lori E Avatar

    That was very nice of them. I could tell a story of inviting someone to sit with my husband and I but it didn’t end well. Lol. Good thing my husband loves me.

  16. Margaret Banks Avatar
    Margaret Banks

    This reminds me of the many years I spent living in other parts of the country, namely, Massachusetts and New Jersey. I, also, surprised folks when I mentioned how kind people were and how helpful and welcoming they had been to me. It made me realize that if we expect rudeness, we will get it because we will send it out ourselves. If we expect warmth and graciousness, we will get that for the same reason! We get as we give, and you, Christi, always exude warmth and grace, so that is what you get in return! Hope that makes your readers get even more of a sense of what a lovely person they are “visiting” with each day!

  17. Ann Messick Avatar

    I love your story, reminds me a little of my days spent in Washington DC. Randall (husband) would be with me sometimes but not always as he was at work and I would go to this great little restaurant downtown for breakfast and that particular restaurant was so limited on seating that if there was a vacant seat anywhere then someone would take it… I remember sharing breakfast with a photographer and an educator!

  18. Whidbey Woman Avatar

    What a wonderful country we live in! The regions and the people are so diverse! I hope to do more traveling some day. I have never been to the North East or South. Since I commute to work by bus and spend time at a regional transportation hub, I meet a lot of strangers. So, the verse from Hebrews 13:2, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it,” really strikes a chord with me. I try to reach out and be friendly to everyone I meet. God has also given me the opportunity to minister to people in need. It is awesome! Have a great week. I look forward to your next Spiritual Sunday post.

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