Tag: Southern Food
Southern Favorites
Do you have recipe sites that you routinely visit? I do! Some of my favorites are And then, of course there are the great blog parties with recipes, like today’s party at Gollum’s What are your favorite recipe sites? Today’s Lagniappe: Melon, Mozzarella, and Prosciutto Skewers This lovely recipe is from All Recipes. If you…
Southern Wild Onions
One of my favorite parts of spring is seeing the wild onions appear. Oh, I know they are considered weeds among many, but to me, they are just a wonderful sign of spring! If you have them in your yard, you know it. When you mow over them, they give off the most wonderful smell!…
Southern Wonderful World
I LOVE spring! The trees The flowers The blue skies, the asparagus, the snap peas, the strawberries . . . okay, I digress! I love the colors but I also love the flavors. What a wonderful world! Today’s Lagniappe: Spring Green Risotto Something pretty and green for Spring from Ina Garten for * 1 1/2…
Southern Veggie Plate
As the weather warms up, I am really looking forward to those summer veggies. I love restaurants that offer a good veggie plate. Usually, three vegetables and a side of cornbread. My picks always include fried okra. I can be pretty flexible on the other sides but I insist on having okra! Some other favorites…
Southern Crawfish
Jambalaya and a crawfish pie and file’ gumbo ‘Cause tonight I’m gonna see my ma cher amio Pick guitar, fill fruit jar and be gay-o Son of a gun, we’ll have big fun on the bayou It’s that time of year! Time for all things crawfish, crayfish, mudbug and crawdaddy! They are a lot of…
Southern Health
Around here, we are trying to eat healthy and be healthy! One thing we are doing is walking 3 miles a day. There are a lot of steep hills around here that make this a bit challenging but, we are up to it. I love that my wonderful husband is joining me in this venture…
Southern Menu
The National Association of Junior Auxiliaries cookbook give away is still going on! Just leave a comment (one comment a day) between now and 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 31st on the give away post! The ad for the cookbook features a menu for a Mother’s Day Luncheon. The menu is: Chicken, Mushroom & Artichoke Bake…
Southern Season
Spring is here. What is in season? Lots of other wonderful and delicious things are also in season like rhubarb, sugar snap peas and asparagus. Don’t you just love this time of year when the world is waking up from a winter’s nap and starting to take on beautiful color? Spring is one of my…
Southern Green
St. Patrick’s Day, what a fun holiday. I remember as a child, being sure to wear green so I wouldn’t be pinched. It really wasn’t too much of a hardship because green is one of my favorite colors. I’ll have to say, although I love the holiday and the spirit of the holiday, I’m not…
Southern Luncheon
Had a great time with my friend, Christy Case Keirn, who came for lunch today. Tablescape and more details to come later. I had planned on making lemonade cookies with lemonade frosting, but I got really busy and didn’t get around to it. My backup plan was to make lemon sugar cookies, but they had…
Southern Shrimp Cravings
I’m craving shrimp today. Not just any shrimp I want Wild American Shrimp – for me, that means from the Gulf of Mexico. Such a wonderful flavor. I don’t want to be bamboozled! I like shrimp most ways but today, I am wanting it barbecued, Pascal’s Manale style. You may need three or more pieces…
Southern Reflections
So glad to see March arrive. That really means that Spring is just around the corner. My husband’s birthday is March 21st so it is always near the first day of Spring. Just another reason to celebrate! This seems to have been a tough winter for so many. Around here, we are just really ready…
Southern Sweetie
My little sweetie, Bailey had surgery this morning to remove a large tumor from the end of his tail. He is doing well, still having some pain and is a little uncomfortable but did great and will be fine. What would I do without my sweet little dog and my pretty little cat. They were…
Southern Fun
Just finished recording the first session of co-hosting The Margaret Banks show with my friend, Margaret. It is billed as a show for women and those who love them. I really like this idea, because, even though her show is targeted to women, it would be enjoyed by men as well. If you are in…
Southern Greens
Collard, turnip, mustard – the holy trinity of greens and all three are wonderful. Southerners love their greens! Not only are they delicious, they are nutritious too (okay, now, don’t go reminding me about the ham hock, streak 0 lean, bacon grease, etc. that are added for flavor – we all know – they don’t…