Tag: Southern Living

  • Southern Fun

    In the midst of all of the bad economic news, something has to give. When things are tough is the time when we have to make time for fun. I learned this in a major way from my best friend. She died from breast cancer on Christmas day 2005. No matter how bad things were,…

  • Southern Song in My Head

    Jambalaya, Crawfish Pie, File Gumbo . . . This song has been in my head all week. This is what comes from planning a Mardi Gras party. My husband, in an effort to make this clearer to me found 101 versions of the song on the internet and played them all for me. Isn’t he…

  • Southern Chain Saw Massacre

    My husband is getting in touch with his inner-macho man. He rented a chain saw yesterday to clean up the mess the ice storm made in our yard. I’ve never seen anyone have so much fun with a chain saw! Next thing you know he will be wanting to burn all of this stuff like…

  • Southern Beard

    My dear husband is growing a beard. It all started when the power went out. We heated one room with the fireplace. We have a gas water heater so we could take hot showers but, in a really cold bathroom. He braved the shower but didn’t want to stay long enough for the shave. We…

  • Southern Brother

    Today, I want to tell you about a special person. My brother, Jay. After a somewhat troubled youth, Jay grew into an incredible man. Jay was 4 years older than I, the oldest of 4 with 3 younger sisters. Jay loved the outdoors. He loved hunting, fishing, gardening and grilling. It was always a great…

  • Southern Ice – Post Mortem

    After 7 days without power I am amazed with small things. This is the longest I have ever been without power so if you have had this kind of experience, bear with me. We are so enjoying a warm room. Now, we had a couple of warm days and the house even got up to…

  • Southern Daddy-isms

    Since I posted Mama-isms, one of my two beautiful sisters requested that I give equal time to Daddy-isms. My Daddy died in 1992 at the age of 54 of cancer. Daddy was a big, lovable man, full of integrity and loved by all who knew him. He laughed a lot and smiled a lot and…

  • A Southern Grandpa

    My Grandpa will be 93 tomorrow. I wish everybody could have a Grandpa like mine. Grandpa has always lived his life with a passion. Whenever I think about Grandpa, I think of him with a smile on his face. He has the best stories of anyone I’ve ever known and his life would make a…

  • Southern Mama-isms

    A Southern Mother is something very special. They have the job of raising a good Southern girl. My Mother had several pieces of advise, or sayings, if you will, that are good for anyone. I call them Mama-isms. You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar. If you can’t say anything…

  • Are You Southern?

    Just checked out Southern Living online. They asked the question, “What makes a person Southern?” Then they assembled a list of 40 things that every Southerner ought to do. I’ve decided to assemble my own list of things that I’ve done that I think every Southerner should do.  Some are from their list, but most…

  • Southern Snow?

    ** In the upper Midwest, they are experiencing extreme cold. Here we are bracing for some cold weather ourselves. The high here tomorrow is supposed to be 24! No snow in the forecast however. In the North, they take snow and cold weather in stride. In the South, we  shut down. No school, government offices…

  • A Southern Accent

    I am currently living farther North than I have ever lived in my life. It is still considered the “South” but it is different. I got to thinking about it. The South is a pretty vast region that is bound together with a common history but with still a lot of differences. We all say…

  • A Southern Elvis

    Happy Birthday, Elvis! Can you believe it? Elvis Presley would be 74 today. Of course, Elvis was a Southern boy having been born in Tupelo, Mississippi. Tupelo is a lovely Southern town with an interesting history. If you ever get to Tupelo, there are lots of things to see in addition to Elvis Presley’s birthplace.…

  • A Southern Confession

    Recently, I read the book SWAG (Southern Women Aging Gracefully). I read this knowing that at some point I am going to have to accept that I am actually aging. I’m not real happy about that. One of the ways to know if you are a SWAG is that you have stolen magnolia leaves or…

  • Southern Resolution?

    I think I missed out on the organization gene. My mother has it. Both my sisters have it. Somehow it skipped me. A trip to the mailbox is a major ordeal for me because I know I will come back inside with things that I don’t know what to do with. I’ve started going through…