Recently, my mother and bonus father created this beautiful nativity.
They ordered the pattern online. I love the simplicity of the silhouette. It looks so nice at night with a light shining on it. I’ll try to add some night time shots later.
They were gracious in allowing me to borrow the pattern to make my own nativity.
Here are all the pieces, cut out, painted and ready to assemble.
All of the pieces were cut out of a 4′ x 8′ piece of plywood and then sanded, primed and painted.
Mine is awaiting assembly on the back porch. Here is the finished project:
It takes a bit of time to trace the pattern, cut out with a jigsaw and then sand and paint but I think the results are very much worth it. What do you think?
UPDATE: Adding pictures of the nativity scene at night and adding a bit to the Lagniappe below.
What creations are you up to for Christmas?
Today’s Lagniappe: Betty’s Fruitcake
My grandpa’s wife, Betty makes this fabulous fruitcake soaked in cream sherry. My mother is making an old favorite – white fruit cake that I will share with you soon.
Christi’s Note – after posting this, I received an email from my mother telling me that this recipe is the white fruit cake that our family has made for years instead of Betty’s fruitcake. There is a story to this fruitcake. I’ll share that on my next post. Stay tuned! 🙂
1 lb. butter
3 cups sugar
6 eggs, separated
5 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
pinch of salt
3 oz. lemon extract
3 tablespoons sherry
8 oz. candied cherries
8 oz. candied pineapple
1 lb. white raisins
1 quart pecans
Sift flour, salt and soda together. Add fruit and pecans. Mix well. Cream butter and sugar, add egg yolks, lemon extract and sherry. Add to dry ingredients. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour in a tube pan (grease bottom only) and bake at 200 degrees for 4 hours.
Cool cake.
Soak cheesecloth in sherry and wrap around cake.
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