Category: Southern Seasons
Southern Clouds
Wow, getting this post done during a break from the storms. We were a couple of hours East of here today meeting with clients and when we got back there were small branches in the road and a shutter of a neighbor was broken off. We have had lots of lightening and thunder and rain…
Southern Clouds
Wow, we were treated to a magnificent display of clouds the other day. Weather officials called the unusual formations “scud”. Not a very pretty name for what was a gorgeous site. My friend, Candy Barnes caught some great photos and graciously allowed me to share them with you. Sit back and enjoy! Weren’t those clouds…
Southern Blue Heron
Our friend Jim Gaston at Gaston’s White River Resort has been at it again. He runs a wonderful resort, but I think his true talent is photography! If you have never visited, you absolutely should! Check out their Facebook specials right now! Check out Jim’s great pics of the mighty Blue Heron on the White…
Southern Wildflowers
Mama is traveling this week to San Antonio. This is a great time to travel through Texas. The bluebonnets should be blooming! I remember when I lived in Texas how I looked forward to the pretty blue flowers. When I was growing up, my bedroom window faced a field that would bloom in the Spring.…
Southern Ramblings
I’ve been “rambling” a lot lately. By rambling, I mean walking. Generally, I spend my day at my desk, creating websites, blogs and social media as well as other internet marketing activities, so my daily walk is very important! I thought I’d show you a couple of the more challenging parts of my walk. This…
Southern Recap
What a beautiful week this has been! It has truly been a beautiful and wonderful week! Filled with sunshine and so many beautiful colors, including PINK! Happy Pink Saturday! Here me visiting with Margaret Banks on The Margaret Banks Show at Mountain Talk 97 with Audio on Demand. Just click the “Audio on Demand” button…
Southern Dinner on the Porch
The weather has been incredible here lately! Dinner on the porch is definitely in order for So, here we go! If y0u have been following this past week you have seen scenes like: and, So, today, we are taking those scenes, and combining them for a spring tablescape! Today’s Lagniappe: Asparagus Salad Something lovely for…
Southern Dogwoods and Daffodils
Okay, the truth is that dogwoods and daffodils don’t actually bloom at the same time around here. There are still a lot of daffodils blooming but they are starting to fade as the dogwoods take center stage. Oh, and the redbuds are pretty spectacular too! Truly, one of the most wonderful benefits of our morning…
Southern Spring
Some more pictures from my walks. I love walking this time of year. So many blooms blooming and trees turning green. Just spectacular. As we were walking yesterday, I thought “God really does things right!” What a beautiful world we live in! So many colors! This next picture is of a sweet bluebird couple that…
Southern Stroll
What a lovely time of year it is to take a walk through the neighborhood! The homes are adorned with blooming trees, flowers and shrubs. It truly is a beautiful world! A little outdoor pic for Outdoor Wednesday with A Southern Daydreamer and Rednesday! with It’s a Very Cherry. Today’s Lagniappe: Grilled Asparagus with Sesame…
Southern Season
Spring is here. What is in season? Lots of other wonderful and delicious things are also in season like rhubarb, sugar snap peas and asparagus. Don’t you just love this time of year when the world is waking up from a winter’s nap and starting to take on beautiful color? Spring is one of my…
Southern Spring
Spring has finally “officially arrived! Join Chari at Happy to Design for Sunday favorites and Charlotte and Ginger at Blogger Spirit for Spiritual Sunday and enjoy your Sunday! After a long and cold winter, it is wonderful to see Spring again. “Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap…
Southern Spring Fluff
I’m ready to start “fluffing” the house for Spring. I’m going to have to do this a little at a time as time allows. I’m a little discombobulated from the time change. Sometimes, I wish we would just pick a time and stay with it! Anyway, my coffee table is always the first thing to…
Southern Sunday Favorite
Join Chari at Happy to Design for Sunday favorites and Charlotte and Ginger at Blogger Spirit for Spiritual Sunday and enjoy your Sunday! It is 13 days to SPRING! Along with all the beautiful color that spring brings also comes the spring storms. That is the way it is in life as well. Sometimes we…
Southern Wednesday
Getting ready for my next appearance on The Margaret Banks show. This week is about turning your passion into profits, which is actually perfect for bloggers! In the meantime, trying to get time to be still a bit and enjoy the world around us. Like a red sunset. You know the saying: Red sky at…