Month: April 2009

  • Southern Gardening Rest

    Working in the garden can really tire you out. I think I really need a nice place to take a break. This is my tablescape entry this week in Tablescape Thursday hosted by Susan at Between Naps on the Porch. Y’all stay tuned. There are robins building a nest on my porch and I’m taking…

  • Southern Outdoor Wednesday

    It is Outdoor Wednesday at our friend A Southern Daydreamer’s blog. Here is our entry in the post. These are pics from where I used to live. Spring in the Ozarks. I loved living in that house. The view was great and the sunrises were greater! Today’s Lagniappe: Pasta Primavera 12 ounces pasta, bowtie noodles…

  • Southern Spring Showers . . .

    Yesterday, I wrote about how I enjoy being outside. After I wrote that post, I watched the news. Again, I was so grateful for the beauty of nature. The news was all about the swine flu. I looked out my window at the Spring rain (okay, sometimes storm), and everything was put back in perspective.…

  • Southern Outdoors

    I am always love spending time outdoors. Always have. When you are inside, you sometimes, forget that there is a whole other world going on outside. There are birds flying around, singing their songs. The robins loved the freshly tilled ground for gathering worms. The squirrels are, as usual, trying to raid my bird feeder.…

  • Southern Frugal Friday in the Garden

    This is the weekend I put in my garden – starting today. I’ve planted my seeds, tended the seedlings, transferred them into bigger pots and now, I’m ready for the real deal. I will be tilling the plot, getting rid of the grass and weeds, amending the soil, making rows, then TA DA!!!, planting the…

  • Southern Tablescape by Mama

    Well, this week I have been planning my Southern dream garden, my beautiful shrubs, my passalong plants and my herbs. Today’s tablescape is by Mama. She has beautiful Blue Danube dishes that were her mother’s. She used her dark blue tablecloth and added yellow tulips in a beautiful blue vase and yellow candles in her…

  • Southern Garden Herbs

    Still working on the dream garden. It must have herbs. Lots and lots. I have always loved growing herbs. In addition to cooking with herbs, I have enjoyed growing herbs to connect to a history of herb use for all sorts of things. I searched out books on how traditionally people have used herbs for…

  • Southern Pass Along Plants

    Still building that dream garden. I would love to have lots of plants that I could pass along. Maybe I’m just dreaming that someone would pass all of these along to me and then I could pass them along 🙂 I’ve been told you should not thank someone for a pass along plant (bad luck…

  • Southern Garden Favorites – Shrubs

    One of my favorite gardening books is The Southern Gardeners Book of Lists. In this book there are lists of all kinds – trees that flower, shrubs that do well in shade, perennials with a long blooming time and on and on. This week, I’m making my own lists of what I would have in…

  • Southern Frugal Friday on the Porch

    To wrap up a week on the porch, here are some ideas of things to look for at garage sales and flea market for your porch. I’m sure many of you have fabulous ideas you could add for inspiration. Here is what I came up with: Knock out the seat, add a favorite plant and…

  • Southern Tablescape Thursday on the Porch

    We have been enjoying the porch all week. If you’ve missed it, check this weeks posts on A Southern Life. Today, we’ll have lunch on the porch. Yes, I braved the wind. Sorry, it wrinkled the tablecloth a little, but, those things are okay when you are enjoying the porch. Y’all check out how my…

  • Mama’s Southern Porch

    Here is another great “guest” post from Mama. Today, she tells us about her memories of the porch. After reading all the comments about porches it brought back memories of my childhood.  We had a big cement front porch, a porch swing and two views of the two streets since we lived on a corner.…

  • More Southern Porch

    Here is a picture of the dogwood branches that I had originally planned to use for my Easter brunch tablescape. The table on the porch is big enough for them but the wind was not cooperating. I caught the branches and turned the whole thing over and, of course, spilled water on my tablecloth. I…

  • A Southern Porch

    A porch is very important to Southerners. Even if we don’t have a porch ourselves, we tend to gravitate to someone who does or remember a favorite porch from our childhood. I’ve talked before about sitting on my grandmother’s porch helping her snap beans. That is a favorite memory.

  • Southern Good Friday

    For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 The past few weeks, Friday’s meant Frugal Friday’s around here but today is Good Friday. I want to wish all of you a happy and blessed Easter and…