Category: Southern Holiday
Southern Red, White and Blue
This upcoming weekend our local Red, White and Blue Festival is taking place. This is always such a fun time. Lots of activities for kids and adults alike. The festival starts with a parade and then over 2 nights there is a lot of great music, food and then it ends with a spectacular (and…
Southern – Amercian Flag
It is time for Monday, June 14th is flag day! I thought this would be the perfect time to change out our old flag for a new one. It is now out and flying proudly! I love how the flag looks against the backdrop of a blue sky with white fluffy clouds. Wondering what to…
Memorial Ceremony
Memorial Day is the national holiday where we honor all of the members of the military that have fallen. Thank you to all military members, past and present for all you do to protect us and our freedom! One of the most moving parts of honoring fallen military is the playing of taps and the…
Southern Sunday – A Memorial
Thanks for stopping by this Sunday. My favorite post for this week is appropriate for the Memorial Day weekend. It is about my father-in-law, Dr. Joe B. Wharton, Jr., who was a wonderful man who loved the Lord. This is the quote, my husband, Joe B. Wharton III is reminded of when he tells about…
Southern Memorial Day Tablescape
It’s Tablescape Thursday with Susan from Between Naps on the Porch. Click on the pic to see more great tablescapes this week. We are are remembering visiting my friend Linda at The Cottage. Sadly, The Cottage is no more, but we had a lot of fun setting up a tablescape for Memorial Day there. Linda…
Southern Celebration
Next week we will be celebrating Memorial Day – a day set aside to remember the brave service men and women who have given their lives for their country. This week I am honoring those who gave all – God bless them and their families! Today’s Lagniappe: Flag Cookies If you use royal icing, these…
Southern Mother’s Day
Happy Mother’s Day! “Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee,” Exodus 20:12. This is the 5th of the 10 Commandments. It has been said that the fifth commandment is pivotal, for it is between the commandments teaching us to love…
Southern Mother’s
Whether you are Southern or not – Happy Mother’s Day. Check out my post of my mother’s sayings that was up earlier this week and also my mother’s lemon meringue pie recipes. Just Scroll through to see them. Enjoy and, again Happy Mother’s Day
Southern Mother’s Day
This Sunday, is Mother’s Day! What a wonderful idea to honor our mothers! You may remember that one of the pictures from one of my posts was chosen to represent a Mother’s Day Luncheon for an ad for the National Junior Auxiliaries Cookbook. So, here is the entire tablescape presentation that includes this picture from…
Southern Easter Blessings
Happy Easter For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16
Southern April Fools
Before we get to the fun tablescape let me announce the winner of the National Association of Junior Auxiliary’s Silver Spoons, Blueberry Afternoons Cookbook give away! And, the winner is . . . Victoria! Congrats Victoria and thank you to everyone who left comments to win. Don’t forget, you can still get this fabulous cookbook…
Southern Easter Recipes
Easter is such a blessed time of year. It is also a wonderful time to share recipes and baked goodies with our friends and neighbors and those in need. What could you make for someone? A Lemon Meringue Pie? Pound Cake? Hot Rolls? So many possibilities! What are you giving this Easter season? Today’s Lagniappe: …
It’s Beginning to Look Like a Southern Easter!
The Junior Auxiliary Cookbook give away is still going on! You just have to leave a comment on this post for a chance to win! It is beginning to look like Easter around here. The pastels and bright colors of Spring are a sure sign that Easter is near. Of course, there is a greater…
Southern Palm Sunday
Join Chari at Happy to Design for Sunday favorites and Charlotte and Ginger at Blogger Spirit for Spiritual Sunday and enjoy your Sunday! The cookbook give away is still going on! Check out this post for details. Happy Palm Sunday! Today, I am posting from April 6th last year. I think it is interesting that…
Southern Green
St. Patrick’s Day, what a fun holiday. I remember as a child, being sure to wear green so I wouldn’t be pinched. It really wasn’t too much of a hardship because green is one of my favorite colors. I’ll have to say, although I love the holiday and the spirit of the holiday, I’m not…